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In the Classroom!

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. "
Walt Disney


Spelling list click here!

  • 15 spelling words
  • 5 challenge words

Total of 20 words

Study the words with and sign the students contract sheet for them to recieve extra credit.







Math board

lesson 1-25

lesson 26-50

lesson 51-75

lesson 76 -100

lesson 101-110

End of the year!




Oklahoma History

We are fortunate to be able to do

Studies Weekly  

These are interactive magizines the students can take home. They teach all the required Oklahoma Standards for Oklahoma History. They also teach Oklahoma Academic Standards in Langauge Arts. Students can log on and read the magizine, watch videos, play games and reivew for the test. 

Contact Tiffany Barnes

School Phone:
Conference Time:
Before 8:00 a.m. After 3:20

Lesson Plan: Tiffany Barnes

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